How to Treat Hidden Trouble as an Accident

"Treatment of hidden dangers as accidents" - as a new call to strengthen pre-prevention, is increasingly recognized by governments at all levels, enterprises, the media, and even the whole society. The well-known “Hein's Law” and “Murphy's Law” theories in the field of safety production tell us time and again that hidden dangers are not eliminated and accidents are inevitable. Looking at the various types of serious accidents that have taken place in recent years, the “human” mentality, behavior, and other violations of the law are not at all difficult to escape. Fortunately thinking of a greediness for a moment, and a violation of one's rule of law, often lead to unimaginable harmful consequences. In the final analysis, in the practice of practical safety management, we must establish safety management thinking that is prepared for danger in times of peace and prevention.

As a government, it is necessary to change the solidified thinking that focused on macroeconomic management in the past. It must focus on the characteristics of supervision and economic operation in various periods, use well-known inspection methods such as perfection, unobserved and unannounced visits, and go deep into the grassroots to understand the production and operation of enterprises. The status of the industry, the overall development characteristics of the industry, combined with the various types of authoritative information it has mastered, the introduction of various types of safety production guidance advice or recommendations suitable for the characteristics of production and business units; at the same time, we must pay attention to the actual effectiveness of all levels of hidden trouble investigation and management system. We will implement measures such as the rectification of hidden dangers and the publicity of illegal behaviors, and implement normative guidance and supervision according to law.

As an enterprise, it is necessary to establish the concept of “safety is the greatest benefit” in accordance with the law, and on the basis of comprehensively implementing the responsibility for the main body of safe production, establish investment and control measures for “people, finance, and material”, and implement the whole process of personnel inspection to detect hidden dangers. As a key link for enhancing the initiative and effectiveness of the investigation of hidden risks, in addition, a series of self-examination, self-correction, and governance criteria that suits their own characteristics must be established around internal and external, internal and external accidents in the industry. Series of self-analysis, clear the weaknesses of its own management, put forward specific measures to improve and improve the promotion of the company's security development, scientific development.

As the media, based on public opinion supervision and guidance functions, and actively promote the basic strategy of safe development, we must not only seize the highlights of the governance of various localities to create positive public opinion public opinion, but also ignore the illegal acts of neglecting security and letting hidden dangers. The disadvantages. It is necessary to focus on the causes of all types of hidden dangers and accidents, and use "things" to carry out the interpretation of safety knowledge and serialization of safety knowledge. It is also necessary to establish public relations with audiences, enterprises, and governments, and to make prevention-oriented safety a priority. The production concept is disseminated among them, which in turn increases the initiative and awareness of the whole society to participate in safety production supervision.

To eliminate the hidden dangers of today is to safeguard tomorrow's peace and eliminate the acquired accidents. Economic development and social progress are inseparable from the security and stability of the environmental support. They cannot be separated from the sincere participation of the members of society and cannot be inseparable from the real establishment of preventive thinking beforehand.

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