From the prevention of cut-off gloves, anti-riot sticks, shields, U-shaped steel forks, etc., the security of bus in Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province has been upgraded. The city’s bus company said on the 24th that the local police also conducted fire emergency response for more than 100 bus drivers and managers. Demonstration of use of drills and riot gear.
The use of buses to endanger public safety is a social concern. Zhaoqing Bus Co., Ltd. stated that this bus safety upgrade is "prevention-based," and implements a security system to eliminate hidden dangers in the bud. Public transport counters terrorism and riot protection, improving the emergency handling capacity of bus drivers.
According to reports, the City Bus Co., Ltd. also specially formulated the "Prediction Plan for Emergency Responses to Flash and Terrorist Incidents of Zhaoqing Bus Co., Ltd." and the "Prevention Plan for Prevention of Terrorism Prevention of Zhaoqing Bus Co., Ltd.", divided into four groups and over 400 people. Drivers are trained.
At present, each bus operated by the city’s urban areas is equipped with fire-fighting facilities. It also provides anti-cut gloves for all buses involved in passenger transportation and anti-riot sticks, shields, U-shaped steel forks, etc. at multiple bus stops. Anti-riot appliances.
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