Wheat due to symptomatic fertilization

Wheat is more sensitive to fertilizers. If the supply of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements is insufficient, symptoms of deficiency will occur.

Boron deficiency The roots of wheat are underdeveloped, the growth point is atrophy, the tillers are not normal, and the heading is not possible. Even if the heading is not in place, the flowering is not complete and the flowering is not strong. Before winter and after re-greening, spray one time with 0.1%~0.2% borax solution 50kg per acre to reduce the damage.

Manganb-deficient wheat leaves appear yellow stripes, yellow to white, the tip of the leaves brown, the upper end drooping, fragile and easy to break, the old leaves die. It can spray 40% to 50% of manganese sulfate solution per mu in the seedling stage and growth period.

The new leaves of copper-deficient wheat were gray-green, curly and yellow, and the old leaves were bent or broken at the leaf tongue, and the tip of the leaves was withered; the upper leaves of the plants were yellow-green and the lower part was normal; the pseudo-stalks were soft, and the branches were wilted to the internode elongation stage. The phenomenon is common, the top of the blade is dead, when it is severe, it can not be eared, and the deformed shape is more deformed. The leaves in the lower part of the ear are chlorotic and deformed, showing a spiral shape. It can be sprayed with 200 g of copper sulfate and 50 kg of water per acre in the seedling stage and the rejuvenation jointing stage.

Molybdenum deficiency Wheat grows poorly, plants are short, leaves are chlorotic, withered, poorly filled, late maturity, and more grains. It can be used with 50 g of ammonium molybdate and 50 kg of water per acre, and sprayed once in the seedling stage and the initial flowering stage. Spraying molybdenum fertilizer at the seedling stage can also enhance the cold resistance of wheat.

The lack of three elements The nitrogen-deficient plants are short, the leaves are small, the leaves are light green, gradually turn yellow, dry, less tillers, and small ears. The phosphorus-deficient plants are short, the leaves are purple-green, the old leaves are dead, the tillers are less, the heading is late, and the maturity is late. The leaves of the potassium-deficient plants are blue-green, the tips and edges of the old leaves are brown, brown and dead, and the stems are weak and easy to fall. The lack of three elements of wheat can be seen in the sky, in the field, in the fertilizer, in the fertilizer, in the joint fertilizer, in the joint fertilizer and in the panicle fertilizer.
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