Yanda Gives Employees Gas Masks for Year-end Awards

Almost every year, Fan Bingbing, Jay Chou, Jolin Tsai, Lin Xinru, Huang Xiaoming, Lin Junjie, Wang Baoqiang, Yan Dawei, Elva Hsiao, Xiao Jingteng... The star awards distributed by these celebrity bosses will become the focus of media attention because they are very generous and will treat their employees as family members. For example, Fan Bingbing had sent diamonds to employees before, and Huang Xiaoming also prepared millions of cars for employees... So this year?

Like all migrant workers, working for a star boss will also receive a year-end award. Since star bosses are very generous, employees always expect bosses to send benefits.

However, this year's year-end awards, star bosses are playing "love card."

Among them, the most unique entertainer of the gift-giving ceremony was the big one. Ever since he founded the studio last year, he has been very busy last year. He has traveled all over the world. "The gifts Mr. Da gave you every year are very special. Photographs of his own photos on the road were sent to everyone. Some time ago, Beijing suffered a hazy weather and he also issued gas masks."

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