Micro "nano generator" is 5 mm wide and 2 mm long

Micro "nano generator" comes out 5 mm wide and 2 mm long

At present, scientists have successfully implanted "nano generators" into experimental mice and obtained current from the heartbeat of mice. Responsible for this research is a research team led by Wang Zhonglin of the California Institute of Technology, who believes that the current generated by nanogenerators can drive sensors in vivo.

Wang Zhonglin pointed out that the zinc oxide wire established at the nanometer level can be used as a piezoelectric material, which can convert mechanical energy into electrical energy. Therefore, he and his colleagues built a flexible micro-generator that converts the natural body behavior of the animal's living breathing or heart beat into electrical energy.

The team placed the zinc oxide wire in a flexible polymer medium that allowed the nanowire to be incorporated into it in different forms. They encapsulate the device in a polymer to shield the body fluid, thereby ensuring that any current generated by the device is undisturbed by the background.

The researchers used a tissue adhesive to attach the 5 mm long, 2 mm wide rectangular device to the diaphragm muscle of the mouse. Wang Zhonglin said: "This nanogenerator is very small and you can hardly see it with the naked eye." At each breath, the nanowires will deform, producing 4 picoamps of current at a potential of 2 millivolts.

Later, the researchers implanted similar nanodevices in the heart of different experimental mice to produce 30 picoamps of current at a potential of 3 millivolts. Although the amount of electricity generated is very small, the researchers hope to be able to scale out, which will be enough to power a single implanted nanosensor, such as a blood pressure sensor or a glucose sensor. These sensors have moderate current requirements and do not require a continuous current supply.

Wang Zhonglin said that such nanodevices can capture mechanical energy in vivo in any direction, so they do not have to be arranged in a specific array. He emphasized that any mechanical energy of an animal's living body can be converted into electricity to power nanosensors. In the future, we expect them to enter the human clinical trial stage and become the real "micro-generator" in the human body.

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