Mashan medicinal summer management four attention

The summer management of Mashan medicine should do the following four tasks carefully: Linyi Fertilizer Network Co., Ltd.
Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
1. Reasonable chemical control is the key. Due to the high temperature and high humidity in the rainy season, the growth of the yam is too strong. Therefore, it must be controlled before entering the rainy season. Spray PBO 50g/mu + Repile 10g/mu, according to the scorpion The growth interval is about 15 days, and even spray 2-3 times, so that the stems and leaves can be strong and not prosperous. Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
2, the drug fertilizer and anti-death sputum at present, the rhizome of the yam yam enters the rapid expansion period. In this period, the requirement for water and fertilizer is the largest, but the increase of rainfall in this period leads to the blight of yam, so it is necessary to topdress and prevent death. Hey, every acre with water, Shi Rui Miaoqing 200ml + rushing partner 1.5 kg, in addition to the topdressing while preventing disease, no need to use other fertilizers. The plots with severe blight in perennial disease will be applied again at the end of July, which can effectively prevent the death of the yam. Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
3, control disease to prevent high-yield prevention of leaf disease should start from the shelf, with Antaisheng 25 g / barrel of water + 10,000 30 g / barrel of water spray, 12-15 days spray once, can effectively prevent anthrax, The occurrence of various leaf diseases such as brown spot disease. If these diseases have already occurred, you can control the disease hazard by spraying once every 25 days and taking 5g/bucket of water + Wanhua 25g/barrel of water. Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
To prevent blight, one is to apply Shi Rui Miaoqing 200ml / acre + rushing partner 1.5 kg, the second is a particularly serious plot, sprayed in the rhizome of Ma yam, Rui Miaoqing 8ml / barrel of water + benefit micro 20g / Bucket of water. Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
4. Foliar Fertilizer After the yam enters the rainy season, foliar supplementation is also an indispensable measure. Spraying 10 grams of water per liter of sulphate at the beginning of the root enlargement to prevent the blackhead problem of the yam, 7-10 days, Spray 3 times. Spray Coke Boron and Zinc Fertilizer 20g / barrel of water to prevent the roots of the yam yam from splitting or deforming, once every 10-15 days, even spray 2 times. In the middle of the root enlargement, spray Biol 10ml / barrel of water + Ciba dihydrogen potassium 25g / barrel of water, increase production and prevent premature aging. Linyi Fertilizer Network Copyright
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Vegetable&Fruit Lighting

Fruit and vegetable display lighting, agricultural product display lighting, fruit and vegetable showcase lighting, leafy green vegetable display lighting and organic food display lighting are all lighting solutions used to highlight the quality and appeal of produce.

The produce display lighting system highlights the color, texture and appearance of the produce through the use of special spectrum and lighting layouts. They use high-efficiency LED lights as a light source, and precisely control the color temperature and brightness, creating a bright and natural feeling, increasing the product's ornamental and purchase desire.

When displaying produce, these lighting systems focus on uniform light distribution, ensuring that each product is properly illuminated and avoiding dark or over-exposed areas. Whether vegetables, fruits or green leafy vegetables display lighting, they can show a fresh, healthy appearance, enhance the customer's buying experience. For organic food display lighting, it puts more emphasis on the natural and healthy properties of the product. Through well-designed lighting schemes, the original characteristics of organic food can be better displayed, attract more attention, and convey the concept of healthy eating. These display lighting systems can not only enhance the attractiveness of sales venues and increase product sales, but also emphasize the freshness, quality and nutritional value of agricultural products. Whether in supermarkets, malls, farmers markets or organic food stores, these lighting solutions can create a pleasant shopping environment for consumers and enhance customer satisfaction and purchasing experience.

In short, the lighting solutions such as vegetable and fruit display lighting, agricultural product display lighting, fruit and vegetable showcase lighting, leafy green vegetable display lighting and organic food display lighting are designed to highlight the appearance characteristics of agricultural products through special spectrum and layout design, enhance the attractiveness and sales effect of products, and create a pleasant and healthy shopping environment for consumers.

Fruit&Vegetable Display Lighting,Agricultural Product Display Lighting,Fruit&Vegetable Showcase Lighting,Leafy Green Vegetable Display Lighting, Organic Food Display Lighting