
- Packaging Identification Method 1. Inspection mark: The relevant state department stipulates that the product name, nutrient content, grade, trademark, net weight, standard code, factory name, factory address and production license number mark must be indicated on the fertilizer packaging bag. If the above logo or logo is not complete, it may be a fake or inferior fertilizer.

2. Check the bag seal: Pay special attention to the fertilizer that has obvious unpacking marks on the bag seal. This phenomenon may be adulterated.

- Shape, color identification method: urea: white or light yellow, in the form of granules, needles or prismatic crystals, no powder or less powder.

Ammonium sulfate: white crystals.

Ammonium chloride: white or light yellow crystals.

Ammonium bicarbonate: white or other dyed powder or granular crystals. There are also some manufacturers that produce large particles of spheroidal ammonium bicarbonate.

Superphosphate: an off-white or light gray powder.

Heavy superphosphate: dark gray, off-white particles or powder.

Potassium sulfate: white crystal or powder.

Potassium chloride: white or light red particles.

——Smell identification method
If the liquid with strong pungent ammonia smell is ammonia water; the particles with obvious pungent ammonia smell are ammonium bicarbonate; the sour fine powder is heavy superphosphate. If the superphosphate has a very pungent smell, it is likely that spent sulfuric acid is used in the production process. This kind of chemical fertilizer is very toxic, and it is very easy to damage or burn crops, especially rice ponds cannot be used.

Need to be reminded that some fertilizers are true, but the content is very low, such as inferior superphosphate, the effective phosphorus content is less than 8% (the minimum standard should be 12%). These fertilizers are inferior fertilizers, and the fertilizer efficiency is not great. Professionals should be identified when purchasing.
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