The series of action plans announced this time include: Including HBCD and NP/NPEs in the EPA's list of chemicals of major concern, and establishing new regulations and regulations for the application of these three chemicals; for the release of toxic substances in HBCD and benzidine dyes. New reporting requirements have been added to the list (TRI) to prohibit or limit the production and application of these chemicals. Steve Owen, head of the EPA's Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention, said: "The action plan once again demonstrates the EPA's commitment to protecting the environment and the health of American citizens and improving chemical safety."
In addition to the EPA's efforts, the Textile Rental Service Association (TRSA), which represents 98% of US industrial laundry equipment operators, had previously promised to phase out NPEs in industrial liquid detergents and powder detergents by the end of 2013 and 2014 respectively. . Irwin said: "We are pleased to see the industrial laundry industry taking voluntary measures to phase out the use of NPEs. This is in line with the EPA's willingness to prevent potential risks from hazardous chemicals."
It is reported that benzidine dyes are widely used in the fields of textiles, paints, inks, paper and medicine, and have a cancer risk. HBCD is a high bromine-containing cycloaliphatic flame retardant that has been proven to have lasting pollution in the environment. Sexual and bioaccumulative, and potentially potentially harmful to the body's reproductive development and nervous system; NP/NPEs are widely used in industrial and consumer products, such as detergents, detergents, pesticides and indoor insecticides, and food packaging, etc. Currently found in the human body.
While supporting the TSCA reform, the EPA has issued a series of measures to regulate chemical management. On December 30 last year, the EPA released its first chemical action plan and announced the establishment of a list of chemicals of major concern. In mid-April this year, the EPA announced that it will add 16 kinds of chemicals that may cause cancer to the list of toxic substances.
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