Twelve Constellation Interview Tips to increase your acceptance rate

Recommend you to control the constellation traits, plus with exclusive fortune, absolutely can improve your admission rate!


Aries people are full of energy, and the epoch-making nature often reveals no doubt. Without opening it can reveal the temperament of majestic British hair, but it is easy to bring other people an inexplicable pressure. It is recommended that you wear a dress that avoids excessively bright and bright colors. Fire red is of course absolutely unnecessary. It is best to use a dark green jade on your wrist or neck to ease your irritability and give the presiding officer a comfortable impression.


Taurus speaks warmly and slowly, but with a sense of stability, it often gives people misunderstandings in response to instincts. They want to create a sense of lightness that can be set in pink costumes. The effect is absolutely unexpected. Long hair, elegant Taurus crush, we recommend that you use the diamond hairpin hair, in addition to the spirit of rejuvenation, the low-key luxury luxury diamonds with Taurus, can enhance the elegant and elegant, naturally please the interviewer!


Friends themselves are quite intellectual, and their gestures are full of self-confidence and humor. Usually, the score of first impressions is quite high. However, subject to the dual personality, often inadvertently reveal contradictions and even elusive attitude. Therefore, it is recommended that Gemini can wear a watch, especially marked with a quartz watch 1 to 12, will give people a trustworthy, practical, reliable experience, people feel that you are flexible yet stable.


It has strong maternal traits. At first, it is usually very comfortable and dignified. Coupled with its delicate and sensitive traits, it shows empathy for everyone's sake and is rewarded by the chief examiner. Cancer is recommended to add light brown pearl jewelry when going to the interview. Since pearls are born from mother-of-pearl for many years, the motherhood of Cancer is similar to that of motherhood. Light brown pearls symbolize success, and pay for results. Han, naturally became the lucky baby for the Cancer interview.


Leo people fall gracefully. Although sometimes they are arrogant, they met with a good deal of self-confidence when they met for the first time, so it was quite sunshine. However, Leo's greatest feature is the furry “brown hair”, which is easily upturned on the east, fluffy and beaten by his own hair. You may wish to bring a mirror, mousse, comb, and a small object related to hairdressing and dressing are your lucky things for your interview!


The appearance of being clean and clean is always impressive in the eyes of outsiders. The manner of politeness and detail is absolutely impressive. Especially in interviews, the question and answer of Virgo is always exhaustive, cautious, and head-to-head. This kind of caution is of course the first in the eyes of the supervisor. But if you are nervous, you may feel uncomfortable. Therefore, it is recommended that you rub on the Eau de Toilette, or scented lavender essential oils, are your refreshing interview commerce.


The good constellations are of course none other than Libra! They are very friendly to people and it is easy for them to unload their hearts and even become friends with the interviewers. The talented diplomatic talents are the tactics used by the Libras to win vacancies! Their graceful etiquette and graceful temperament often make the interviewers "blessing." If you wear scarves, shawls, and scarves, which are lucky white, white and white this year, they will be more elegant and generous, and will definitely be accepted by everyone.


Scorpio is a constellation of cool men and brilliant women. Although the heart is very warm, but the cold and mysterious appearance, it produces an indescribable sense of distance. This is obviously a disadvantage, but you can rely on the warm color to wear, add the next girl The temperament of the boy. In addition, wearing shells or coral pendants, which shine bright and natural luster, can increase the positive magnetic energy rising popularity, for you to attract good people to help the good luck.


Sagittarius is very easy-going, not to do, but vaguely a bit rough and big, I suggest you carry a handbag, but taboo colorful, overly complicated patterns, easy to make you unconsciously distracted. Therefore, it is most suitable for plain-faced, multi-functional and rich inner layers. Sagittarius can use this to sort out the collections and application data, and in an orderly manner, it has secured steady and good job opportunities.


The strong Capricorn business intention is very easy to give the impression of male superman, strong woman, so that the interviewer has already felt that you will have a great threat to him. It is absolutely necessary to avoid over-consistency in the trimming of the clothes, and the blue and black suits can be avoided. Women's blouses can be made of cotton and linen material, and taking fresh natural style is more approachable. If you have to wear a formal dress, you can choose a lively tie or brochette to reconcile your over-ambitious gas field.


Aquarius is both an alternative and good at making fun. When applying for a job and choosing a job, they will unknowingly work hard in the creative industry. Their novel and distinctive wear will, for the most part, leave these companies in awe-inspiring and intimidating ways. However, when the Aquarius talks open, it is easy to fall into extreme thoughts, but it will scare the other person. It is recommended that Aquarius wear a symbolic, complete white crystal, and that white crystal, also known as the official stone, can help the job!


Pisces friends are as soft as water, prettily mistaking people for thinking that they can't do anything. In fact, Jiroi is just the potential of Pisces, and the skill of flowing water is superb! In order not to be eliminated from the first stage, you may wish to use lucky gray. Suits, suits, hold up the appearance of weakness, just with the soft will be the key to victory. If you add extra silver and silver rings that are close to the gray ones, you will be more rational and stronger, and you will certainly reduce the regret of missed opportunities.

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