PDH (Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy) quasi-synchronous digital series optical multiplexer is a 120-channel optoelectronic integrated transmission device composed of ultra-large-scale integrated circuits. It is generally used in pairs, also called point-to-point applications. The capacity is generally 4E1, 8E1, and 16E1. Small-capacity switch networking, subscriber loop networks, mobile communications (base stations), private networks, and DDN networks. Its main features are: the use of ultra-large-scale integrated chip, with low power consumption and high reliability. Provides E1 remote loopback test function for easy maintenance. The 120 provides four E1 channels. It has a complete alarm function and can display local and remote alarms. Alarm information (including power failure alarms) can be reported to the peer through the network management channel. The use of transceiver optical integrated devices, stable and reliable performance. The single board design is compact and easy to use.
SDH Optical Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) optical transceivers have large capacity, which is generally 16E1 to 4032E1.
SPDH (Synchronous Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy) optical transceiver, between the PDH and SDH. SPDH is a PDH transmission system with SDH (Synchronous Digital Hierarchy) features (based on the principle of PDH-based code rate adjustment, while using as much as possible part of the networking technology in SDH).
Optical transceivers are classified into video optical transceivers, audio optical transceivers, data optical transceivers, Ethernet optical transceivers, switch optical transceivers, and telephone optical transceivers.
To monitor terminology, that is, video optical transceivers, transmission video-based and other data, audio, switching, Ethernet telephone and other signals photoelectric conversion transmission equipment, his essence is: photoelectric conversion transmission equipment; placed on both ends of the cable, As a result, as the name suggests, optical transceivers; so broadly speaking, based on fiber optic network for the transmission of signal photoelectric conversion equipment can be called optical transceiver.
This classification for telecommunications transmission signals (also compressed video) compression optical transceiver and for the monitoring and broadcast television industry, uncompressed video optical transceivers.
SDH Optical Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) optical transceivers have large capacity, which is generally 16E1 to 4032E1.
SPDH (Synchronous Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy) optical transceiver, between the PDH and SDH. SPDH is a PDH transmission system with SDH (Synchronous Digital Hierarchy) features (based on the principle of PDH-based code rate adjustment, while using as much as possible part of the networking technology in SDH).
Optical transceivers are classified into video optical transceivers, audio optical transceivers, data optical transceivers, Ethernet optical transceivers, switch optical transceivers, and telephone optical transceivers.
To monitor terminology, that is, video optical transceivers, transmission video-based and other data, audio, switching, Ethernet telephone and other signals photoelectric conversion transmission equipment, his essence is: photoelectric conversion transmission equipment; placed on both ends of the cable, As a result, as the name suggests, optical transceivers; so broadly speaking, based on fiber optic network for the transmission of signal photoelectric conversion equipment can be called optical transceiver.
This classification for telecommunications transmission signals (also compressed video) compression optical transceiver and for the monitoring and broadcast television industry, uncompressed video optical transceivers.
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