The first version of SKF Bearings Integrated Catalog was introduced in 1989 and translated into 16 languages ​​with a worldwide circulation of over 1 million copies. In the previous version of the catalog, SKF proposed the "new life-span theory," which was a new standard later developed into a new industry standard. SKF comprehensive catalog bearing a wide range of applications, is the industry recognized authoritative reference. SKF was later released an electronic version for more users to read and reference, the electronic version of SKF Interactive Project Catalog, provided in the form of CD-ROM. The new SKF bearings integrated catalog also offers both electronic and printed version, and content Made many additions and modifications, in order to be more practical and more reference value. This catalog is a versatile reference tool, it is recommended that readers read the preface and notes in each chapter in detail, in order to make full use of the information in the text. The introductory section provides an overview of the main sections of the technical and product sections of each section of the catalog and other information that helps the reader understand the range of products and services SLF can supply. SKF Bearings General Catalog Overview The latest SKF Bearings General Catalog includes the most commonly used standard rolling bearings and accessories to meet the needs of most industrial equipment manufacturers and maintenance users. SKF is committed to promoting equipment manufacturers to use their standard range of products to ensure timely delivery, and can be readily available anywhere in the world stock, in order to repair users. The data listed in this catalog is based on SKF's production process and technology until the beginning of 2003. Due to the design update. Technical development and calculation methods to improve and other reasons, some of the data may be different from the previous version.