Natural nano-based feed additives can replace antibiotics and have 95% inhibition of Campylobacter broiler

This new feed additive is small in size and bioactive in oral administration, whereas traditional antibody drugs must be injected to enter the bloodstream. In terms of molecular engineering, the small size and flexibility of Nanobodies also enable them to be efficiently produced on a large scale. UFW China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving livestock

Saeid Babaei, President and CEO of AbCelex Technologies, Canada UFW China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving livestock

AbCelex Technologies Inc. of Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, developed a series of antibiotic-free, hormone-free products that have been shown to eliminate or significantly reduce pathogens such as Campylobacter and Salmonella lipids in the chicken gut. UFW China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving livestock

“Because these innovative products are based on natural antibodies, there is no human health risk and resistance,” said Saeid Babaei, President and CEO of AbCelex. “This product will be used as a feed additive. Chickens simply consume antibodies, selective Ground and bacteria. Our results on live chickens showed 95% inhibition of Campylobacter, much higher than any other method used by the industry and the methods expected by regulators." UFW China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, Service animal husbandry

The minimal antibodies used by AbCelex, also known as single-domain antibodies or Nanobodies, are naturally found only in the blood of camels (camels, alpacas and llamas) and sharks. They were discovered in the early 1990s, and Mr. Babeei explained that scientists at the time were studying the blood of camelids and noting these unique antibodies. UFW China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving livestock

He pointed out that this new feed additive is small in size and bioactive in oral administration, whereas traditional antibody drugs must be injected to enter the bloodstream. In terms of molecular engineering, the small size and flexibility of Nanobodies also enable them to be efficiently produced on a large scale. UFW China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving livestock

In the past few years, AbCelex has enhanced the tolerance of its top products to the acidic conditions of the animal's digestive tract, and has also significantly improved its heat resistance (to meet the requirements for poultry feed preparation). UFW China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving livestock

In the past year, the AbCelex team has been producing their antibodies in various microbial systems such as yeast. In July 2016, AbCelex received a $3.4 million investment from the AgriInnovation Program for Canadian Agriculture and Agri-Food to further support product development. Mr. Babaei said the project will also work with Canadian and international academic institutions, companies and contract research organizations. UFW China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving livestock

AbCelex is advancing on-site research with the Youth Research Institute to support the submission of regulatory submissions through a large-scale broiler trial with the goal of launching the market by the end of 2018 or early 2019. “As the first product of this type, we will first obtain approval certificates for products through various regulatory agencies,” Babaei emphasized. “Our business strategy is to sell directly to large poultry producers/processors and to large animal health care. Company cooperation... We have partnered with Carton Group, one of Ireland's largest poultry producers/processors, which may be involved in commercial farm research and product registration in Europe.” UFW China Feed Industry Information Network – based on feed, serving livestock

In response, Vincent Carton, managing director of Carton Brothers' poultry processing business (Carton Bros), said that like most chicken processors concerned, he wanted to solve the problem of Campylobacter. UFW China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving livestock

"After 13 years of exploration, I have almost tasted any side of this very dangerous bacterium," he said. "I have been skeptical about many new drugs that claim to solve Campylobacter, and many times in the past have proven to be wrong. I think the method adopted by Abcelex is very different and worthy of early support... By working with nature, I believe we will find a solution to this problem." UFW China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving livestock

UFW China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving livestock

UFW China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving livestock

Vincent Carton UFW , President of Carton Group, China Feed Industry Information Network - Based on Feed, Serving Livestock

The Carton Group said on April 30, 2016 that in the next five years, the Vincent Carton and Justin Carton brothers plan to invest 25 million euros to expand the processing capacity of broilers to 1.5 million birds per week. Manor Farm is a chicken brand under the Carton Group. Currently, Manor Farm processes approximately 900,000 broilers per week and is Ireland's largest poultry producer. Manor Farm's revenue in 2015 reached 224 million euros. Currently, Manor Farm has 824 employees and has contracts with 160 farmers. Manor Farm is one of Ireland's oldest family-owned companies and is currently inherited by the 8th generation of Vincent Carton, which dates back to 1775 and has a history of more than 200 years. UFW China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving livestock

UFW China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving livestock

Vincent Carton (first from left), president of Carton Group, Owen Brooks (middle), former chairman of the Irish Egg Association, UFW China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving livestock

Aidan Cotter, CEO of Bord Bia (first from right) UFW China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving livestock

The Irish Food Authority is a government agency headquartered in Dublin that focuses on expanding food and horticulture operations in Ireland and abroad. It is the link between Irish food, beverage and horticultural suppliers and existing and potential customers around the world. Currently, the Irish Food Authority has an office in Shanghai, China – the Agricultural Food Division of the Irish Consulate General in Shanghai, responsible for the development, promotion and information services of the Irish food industry strategic market. At the same time, the Irish Food Authority has offices in Amsterdam, Düsseldorf, London, Madrid, Milan, Moscow, New York, and Paris. UFW China Feed Industry Information Network - based on feed, serving livestock

Source: the poultry site, international animal husbandry network comprehensive UFW China feed industry information network - based on feed, service animal husbandry

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