The content of metal in used household appliances accounts for about 75%. Therefore, metal has become the main target for the recycling of used home appliances. Waste home appliances contain a large amount of copper, mainly in various types of wires, condensers, strips, motors, circuit boards and electronic components. The household appliances and electronics industries use almost all types of copper, with the largest amount of wire, strip and electrolytic copper foil. Therefore, the recycling of waste household appliances, the variety and form of copper-containing scrap is more complicated, before the recycling of copper in household appliances, it is necessary to understand the knowledge of copper.
1. Copper wire is the largest variety of copper material, the most widely used varieties, mainly used for wire and cable conductors, enameled wire, tinned wire and so on. The main varieties of copper-containing alloy wire are brass wire (including ordinary brass wire, brass flat wire, lead brass wire, etc.), mainly used for screws, hardware, zippers, jewelry, bicycle banners and so on.
2. The use of pipes is relatively concentrated, mainly used in the manufacture of air conditioning coils, condensing pipes and drain pipes.
3. The strip is widely used, mainly for the manufacture of transformers, automotive water tank fins, electronic copper strips and ordinary brass strips. Copper strips used in household appliances are mainly electronic copper strips and ordinary brass strips. The electronic copper strip is a copper-iron-phosphorus alloy, which is mainly used for integrated circuit plug-ins. The electronic copper strips of the grades c19200 and c19400 have already exceeded 10,000 tons in domestic use. Ordinary brass belts are mainly used for: manufacturing electrical appliances, automotive instrumentation, various heat sinks, communication equipment and computer parts and decorations.
4. Electrolytic copper foil is mainly used in the production of printed circuit boards in the electronics industry. This product has high requirements and technical difficulties. Its development trend is ultra-thin and double-sided processing. With the rapid development of the information industry, its usage is increasing.
5. The largest variety of bars is lead brass rods, which are mainly used in the manufacture of various mechanical, electrical, hardware and other parts. The product has low requirements on copper grade and can be produced from scrap copper.
Yantai Ciso Lubrication Technology Co.,LTD ,