How to improve the efficacy of cotton bollworm control

Improving the efficacy of cotton bollworm control is an effective way to reduce investment and reduce costs. There are several aspects to start with.
1. Spraying parts: Helicoverpa armigera lays eggs, usually on the top of cotton plants, on the young leaves of the top of the fruit branches, on the buds and on the leaves. The focus of the spray should be on the top of the cotton plant and on the tender tips, buds and stalks of the fruit branches.
2. Time of spraying: The hatching law of cotton bollworm is that the egg head is white, two days yellow, three days black, and hatching in four days. Two days after hatching, the growth point was harmed, and on the fourth day, the young bud was damaged. Helicoverpa armigera actively feeds after 8-11 hours and after 16:00, and rarely moves during the high temperature period from 12-13. The appropriate period of prevention and treatment should be applied after 8 to 11 am and 4 pm after the peak of hatching, before most of the eggs become black or hatched. Avoid high temperature application, high temperature application is easy to decompose, not only the operator is easy to poison, but also poor efficacy
3. Several pesticides are used interchangeably. Do not use one pesticide continuously to prevent the resistance of cotton bollworm to drugs.
4. According to the instructions, the concentration of pesticides can not be increased or decreased arbitrarily, and must be matched according to the instructions for pesticide use. Increasing the concentration of cotton plants is susceptible to phytotoxicity, and reducing the dosage will reduce the efficacy.
5. Ensure the amount of liquid medicine to make the cotton plant evenly dosed. The amount of liquid medicine used is small, and the effect of spraying cotton plants on uneven insects is poor. When controlling the second-generation cotton bollworm, the liquid per acre should not be less than 40-50 kg; the third and fourth generation cotton bollworm, 80-100 kg per acre of liquid. All the cotton plants are evenly treated and the effect is good.
Huaxian County Shang Hongyan
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