Anti-theft locks do not anti-theft locks buy key look at the lock core

To prevent theft, the lock is the most important. Therefore, when the anti-theft door is purchased, in addition to the quality of the anti-theft door, the anti-theft performance of the door lock is also considered. So how to buy a lock? In this issue, Xiao Bian will introduce to you in detail the techniques of door lock purchase and the precautions for door lock purchase. Let's understand together.

One, anti-theft door lock actually does not anti-theft?

In the CCTV news channel “Weekly Quality Report”, a detailed analysis and investigation was conducted on the various potential dangers in the current anti-theft lock market, and the problem of weak anti-theft security and potential security risks was exposed.

The program reported criminal cases where the residents of Longquanyi, Chengdu, returned home after they discovered that the doors and windows were intact but were stolen. The police investigation found that the criminal suspect was using a professional unlocking technique, tin foil to unlock the door, and successfully opened the door lock of the head of the household. And this kind of unlocking tool can be easily bought on the Internet, and it also comes with video tutorials.

It is reported that tin foil is unlocked as a technical means of unlocking. At present, the state only allows professional lock companies to use it. Professional lock companies and locksmiths must be filed with the public security authorities. This kind of unlocking tool can only be used by locksmiths. borrow.

Second, anti-theft lock you know how much

There are three types of locks on the market: A-level, B-level, and B-level.

1, A-class anti-theft lock

Only a marble slot on the spoon is a Class A anti-theft lock. One of the keys and cross keys is the most common. Although the pattern on the key does not look like a dot, its corresponding lock cylinder is a marble structure. The internal structure of this kind of lock cylinder is very simple, limited to the change of the marble, and the marble slot is small and shallow.

2, B anti-theft lock

The keys on both the marble slot and the milling slot are Class B locks. This type of lock is generally equipped with a flat key, which is double-sided and double-row. The key includes a single row of anti-locking keys and a single row of crescent keys. The internal structure of the lock cylinder is relatively complex with respect to the A-level lock, and the anti-theft performance is also safer than the A-level lock.

3, Super B class anti-theft lock

Super B-level locks are currently the most secure grades. From the key point of view, they are generally double-sided double-row bullet slots with a blade or curve next to it. Its cylinder core workmanship is tight and complex, and the relevant departments monitor the use of technology as a standard for more than 270 minutes, and can be used with confidence.

Door lock doors and windows

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